Demonstrating trust in God is a profound way to express our faith, especially in how we handle our finances and practice generosity. If you’re new here, we kindly ask that you refrain from giving at this time. Our priority is for you to deepen your connection with Jesus and foster relationships within our church community. In fact, you won’t find a traditional collection taken during our services.

As our spiritual journey progresses, a sense of gratitude and abundance often inspires us to be generous with the blessings God has bestowed upon us. If you sense a calling to give, we provide several options for supporting Renew Christian Church and its ministries below.

Regardless of your choice or the amount you give, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude. Thank you for everything you do to contribute to the growth of the Kingdom for His glory.

Click the button to be taken to our secure giving page. Thanks!
Each week, at the end of the service, an offering box is available at the exit door for the giving of tithes and offerings.
Did you know that there is a way to make sure even MORE of your money goes directly into ministry? Any time you give using your debit/credit card, our merchant portal charges a fee of 2.5% for their service. ACH is a way to bring that number way down! Read more below.


Giving online is GREAT! Did you know that there is a way to make sure even MORE of your money goes directly into ministry? Any time you give using your debit/credit card, our merchant portal charges a fee of 2.5% for their services. BUT by using your bank account information (ACH) rather than your card number, the fee is MUCH less ($0.03 per transaction!). Which means that MORE of your hard-earned money will go directly into ministry without as much overhead.


Moreover, if you prefer your gifts to be completely fee-free, you can go the traditional route and write a check to place in the offering box each week. We understand that this may seem somewhat old-fashioned in the internet age, but we want to ensure you are aware of all the available options for your convenience.


You can also mail offerings to 3901 Cole Mill Rd, Durham NC, 27712.